Friday 31 March 2017


How many devices do you have with cameras around the house? You probably have some laptops, a few cell phones, perhaps a baby monitor, and maybe even a home surveillance system. Even though cameras are meant to enhance our devices capabilities, in reality they are putting us in danger. Cybercriminals are able to hack into these cameras to steal our personal information and spy on us. And although we might think it does not take place in Trinidad, remember the saying “when America sneezes, the world catches a cold”.

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Monday 27 March 2017


Recently, mother of one, 23 year old Sharlene Somai disappeared from her Chaguanas home, under less than normal circumstances. It was supposed to be a short trip to a nearby shop, which was  regularly done  by Sharlene, however on this trip Ms. Somai disappeared only to be found two days later, strangled to death not far from her home. Our hearts go out to her family, especially her three year old son. Please take this opportunity to learn from this tragic event and share this article with your friends and family.

Relatives of Sharlene Somai speak with a police officer where her body was found (Photo Courtesy Trinidad Express)

Wednesday 22 March 2017


Everyone has experienced the feelings associated with fear at some time in their life. The rapid heart pounding, shortness of breath, tunnel vision and even the inability to move when our instincts tell us that we may be in danger. These physiological changes are referred to as an adrenal dump.

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When we feel like we are being threatened, our bodies enter into what is known as a fight or flight response. Instinctively we will react and experience an adrenal dump which allow us a better chance to escape a perceived danger either by confrontation or avoidance. There are two types of adrenaline our bodies release to help in each circumstance.

Flight Adrenaline (norepinephrine) is released to the blood stream under the stress of perceived danger. Such danger may be perceived under a non-dangerous situation, like giving a speech in front of a large crowd, in which you’re just anxious to get things right and not appear foolish. This gives your body strength and speed to flee from real danger.

Tuesday 14 March 2017


Have you ever been out going through your daily routine and come upon something that seems a bit off? Do you pause your activity to say or do something? 

For instance, if you see a man and woman aggressively arguing do you check and make sure everything is okay? How many times have you witnessed an act and your instinct told you something was not right but you ignored it, opting instead to continue on your way and ignore what you noticed? If this has ever happened to you, you are not alone; it is known as the “say nothing” phenomenon.

It has been said that society no longer holds the “it takes a village to raise a child” mentality; instead more people have the “mind your business and keep to yourself” mindset. Everyday people witness an act or have intimate knowledge that someone is being harmed yet they do nothing about it. In a recent Trinidad Express article, it was reported that a woman from south Trinidad was abducted and later found murdered in a field a short distance from her home. The family had knowledge that she was in an abusive relationship for three years and never said a word. Although no one has been charged in the case, you can’t help but wonder if her family spoke up and notified authoritues of the abuse, would she still be alive?

Police officers at crime scene in south Trinidad (Photo Courtesy Trinidad Express)

Monday 13 March 2017


The promise of meeting the “Love of Your Life” is usually what draws us in to try online dating. In fact, statistics show that one in three relationships now start online. From dating sites to social media, many women are relying on electronic communication as a means of finding “Mr. Right.”

Avoiding awkward blind dates, our busy schedules and the sheer convenience of screening profiles from the privacy of your home sure sounds like an attractive alternative to the bar scene. The downside is that women are often allowing themselves to get swept up in the notion of developing a romantic relationship with someone they just met online; there is a sense of control created because women can choose who they want to communicate with.

Sometimes this false sense of security causes them to let their guard down too easily based on what is written in a user profile and a few email exchanges. As a result, women are losing their common sense and self-protection instincts; opening the door to potential predators.
One rule you can count on when it comes to cyber dating is that some people are going to lie, so please be alert. Here are a few guidelines to help you safely navigate the online dating scene leading up to the first date.

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Friday 10 March 2017


Sexual abuse can happen to children of any race, socioeconomic group, religion or culture. There is no certain way to protect children from sexual abuse, however there are certain steps that can be taken to minimize the risk. It is important to know that if your child is sexually abused, it's the perpetrator to blame and not you or your child.  Listed below is five steps that can be taken to help protect your children from this type of abuse.

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Wednesday 8 March 2017


If you're a woman, you've probably experienced a nervous, stinking feeling when walking alone at night, fearing what's lurking around a dark corner. There's also a good chance you've felt your heart rate speed uncontrollably when you thought you were being followed or maybe you were actually followed and even worst attacked. At some point you've probably asked yourself, 'Would I be able to defend myself?". Well maybe you'll be able to if you learn these few self defense moves that could give you the skill and confidence to fight back.

Straight Punch

Wednesday 1 March 2017


As a single woman living alone, safety can become quite an issue. In this sense question like "what can I do to feel safer in my own home or apartment". If you are one of those women living by themselves, you should start to think about safety and how you can make this part of your lifestyle. The following tips will help reduce the possibility of many safety issues you may encounter as a female living alone. 

Home Security Systems are a must.