Monday 27 March 2017


Recently, mother of one, 23 year old Sharlene Somai disappeared from her Chaguanas home, under less than normal circumstances. It was supposed to be a short trip to a nearby shop, which was  regularly done  by Sharlene, however on this trip Ms. Somai disappeared only to be found two days later, strangled to death not far from her home. Our hearts go out to her family, especially her three year old son. Please take this opportunity to learn from this tragic event and share this article with your friends and family.

Relatives of Sharlene Somai speak with a police officer where her body was found (Photo Courtesy Trinidad Express)

How to Avoid Being a Victim in a Similar Attack
The best way to prevent an attack like this, is to always be aware of your surroundings. Often times when we approach our car we are distracted fumbling for our keys, talking on the cell phone or trying to put our shopping bags in the trunk. Take the time to look around the parking lot and your car before approaching it. If you see someone suspicious, turn around and go to a safe place with other people around.

If surprised by an attacker, NEVER go with him to a second location. While it is unclear whether Sharlene attacker had a weapon, it should not affect your strategy in this situation. ALWAYS fight back and do not believe for a second when the attacker says, “If you do as I say, you won’t get hurt.” That is a way for the attacker to try and verbally control you into submission. The majority of them just want an easy target and not one that will fight for their survival.

In a kidnap attempt even if you do not have a weapon, still fight back. Use your elbows and knees instead of your hands, repeatedly scream “Help! Help! I don’t know this man” and run away from the attacker. Yelling “Fire” may get other people’s attention but they are less likely to help if they think it is a domestic dispute.

Over 70% of attacks are committed by an unarmed assailant but even if they have a weapon statistically your odds of survival are exponentially better if you fight back and run away. Often times an attacker will say he was a weapon when he does not or will show you his weapon as a scare tactic. It could be in his belt covered by a jacket that he flashes you. Keep in mind by the time he pulls out the weapon you could have put a very good distance between the two of you. If you are screaming and drawing attention to yourself he will most likely not pursue you. Predators are looking for easy targets.

Even with a gun, the chances of the assailant being able to hit a moving target are low. Remember to keep your head down, run in a zig zag pattern and do not stop until you are in a safe location. If you find yourself in a car with the attacker, wait for the vehicle to slow down then quickly unlock the door and jump out of the car. You can also grab the steering wheel and force the car to crash. Whatever you do, don’t go without a fight! Statistics show that when most victims are taken to a second location they do not survive the attack.


  1. Hi goodnight , i found a link to your blog post in a women's forum a few mins ago .

    In Jan and Feb Sensei Adam Chin Leung Kam of Torakan Dojo had a few weeks of Self Defense classes . he also uploaded the videos for other women to practice and learn. Its advisable that the new women interested in learning should meet with sensei to confirm what they see online and ask him for any questions they may have. His Dojo is located on Belle Smythe St Woodbrook .
    Links to Youtube Page
    Self Defense Videos 1-9 ( #3 is just a video thanking the sponsors)
    Link 1 but once u see video one , you will see the rest of them line up to the right side of the screen .
    Find Sensei on Facebook here

    They did not pay me to type this comment however i thought as a past student i was very glad that i learnt these techniques from him.

    I hope this is helpful.

    Kind Regards

    1. Thank you Sharmila. We will be doing an article soon promoting self defense options for women. Will check out the videos.

  2. Again excellent article. It's funny that we're never really encouraged to fight back as a society, but rather to simply be alert to avoid an encounter. These are excellent points, especially for women.

  3. We never know how we may respond in such sudden and unfortunate situations...these pointers can certainly prepare us...God forbid
