Friday 14 April 2017


Are you constantly worried about your child’s safety? Do you feel it is important to lay down a few safety guidelines for your child both inside and outside the house?

If you are wondering just how to go about it, hopefully the information we share here will help you. Keeping your child safe at all times means constant adult supervision. It also means implementing a few important changes and rules that ensure your child’s well-being. 

Read on to know how you can teach safety rules for children.

As a parent you may want to always be present near your child. But this is not possible. You have to let your kid venture out without you. There are places where your child will meet others in your absence, for example, at school. Your child may also need to be at the day care or at home with a nanny. Also, it is important to prepare your child for basic safety steps in the event of an emergency.

Here we list out 9 children safety rules that will help in ensuring safety at school and home:

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1. Safety Rule #1 Know Your Name, Number And Address:
Your child may be young but it is important to teach basic contact details like you and your partner’s name and contact number. Your child should be able to share your contact number with someone in case of an emergency. Also, knowing where home is and any nearby landmark is also important. Help your child memorize these with regular practice at home. Also, help your child memorize a backup number to call, like a grandparent, uncle or aunt.

2. Safety Rule #2 Do Not Eat Anything Given By A Stranger:
You need to teach your child about the dangers of eating food that is given by a stranger. No matter how tempting the treat is, if it comes from a stranger, your child should not eat it. Teach your child that it is dangerous to accept food from anyone. Ask them to politely refuse in case someone is offering food without your consent or in your absence.

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3. Safety Rule #3 Do Not Walk Off The Yard Alone:
Your child should know that it is not permissible to walk out of your yard alone. If your kid needs to go out for anything, you or some known adult should be accompanying your child at all times.

4. Safety Rule #4 Playing Or Experimenting With Fire Is Not Allowed:
Whether or not you are at home, your child should know that it is absolutely not allowed to play with fire. Only if you are around and have given your permission can your child be near fire. Make sure all fire outlets are safely out of your child’s reach.

5. Safety Rule #5 Never Go Anywhere With A Stranger:
Your child should know that no matter what the reasoning, it is not safe to go anywhere with a stranger. Tell your kid that if a stranger tells them something like ‘Your mom asked you to come with me immediately,’ they should stay where they are and shout out for help. Ensure that if there is an emergency, you will always send a family member, like grandparent or aunt, to be with your kid and not a stranger.

6. Safety Rule #6 No One Is Allowed To Touch Your Child’s Body:
This is a very important safety rule for your child and you should teach them about it as soon as your they can understand the basics. Teach about good touch and bad touch. Tell them that no one is allowed to touch them except parents, if needed. If anyone else has touches them, they should immediately shout for help and alert people around.

7. Safety Rule #7 If You Get Lost, Stay Where You Are:
In the event that your child gets lost, tell them it is important they stay right where they are. If they see any other mom with kids nearby, they can ask her for help. Your child should stay inside the place and not go out, even with the other mom. Most common places where kids get lost are the supermarkets. Tell them that they can walk up to the counter of the store and tell the person they are lost.

8. Safety Rule #8 Do Not Share Address And Phone Details With Anyone (Except Emergency Situations As In Point 1):
Your child should know that it is unsafe to share personal details like phone numbers, address, email ids or pictures with strangers. Any information that is shared should only be with your consent or in your presence.

9. Safety Rule #9 If I Am Uncomfortable I Will Not Do It:
No matter what your child may ask to do, if it makes them uncomfortable, they should NOT do it. This could be something as simple as taking off clothes in front of others and diving in a home pool. If your child is not comfortable about it, no matter how many friends are doing it, they should not do it at all.

It is important that you teach your child about these basic safety rules for children as soon as they are able to understand. There are certain things that you can start teaching them as early as two years of age. Make sure you speak to them in an age-appropriate language. Also, always keep communication open. This will encourage them to tell you everything.

If you believe that there are other tips, parents should be aware of please include them in the comments section so that everyone can benefit.


  1. How about teaching them other key emergency numbers like police and ambulance services

  2. Gosh cant believe we live in a world where this has to be a mantra for parents-- good tips for life

  3. Very relevant in today's society. Thank you.

  4. Useful information for schools to include as a learning exercise to better prepare children

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