Saturday 8 April 2017

INTERNET SAFETY TIPS…teach your kids how to safeguard themselves

Do you spend a lot of time surfing the web? If you do, you need to be wary of things that lurk on the dark side of the Internet. Not only are there viruses, hackers and spammers but also online predators and a bunch of evildoers who are waiting to pounce on individuals especially teens in the digital world. You have probably heard of someone’s computer being hacked, his or her identity being stolen online, or even having some embarrassing pictures posted online.

“Nah, it can’t happen to me,” you think. Well, if you use the following Internet safety tips, you have a good chance of being right.

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1. Keep Your Online Identity Secret
Don’t tell anyone your real name and address or what neighborhood you live in. Here’s the general rule: Don’t give out any information that a predator could possibly use to find you. The Federal Trade Commission says that even “small clues” like what school you attend or the name of your football team is enough for a predator to figure out your identity. You wouldn’t tell some 40-year-old man or woman you met at the mall your name and where you live, would you? So why would you tell CoolKid868 or HotChick10 from the chat room?

2. Your Username and Password Belong to You … And Only You
Don’t give your username or password to anyone. It's just that simple. What if a friend logs on and pretends to be you, and then says something really awful and gets you in trouble? Sure, it might seem funny to the “former” friend, but it’s serious and it happens everyday. With your username and password, someone can post language that gets you expelled from school, in trouble with your parents, or even in trouble with the law. Keep your name and password private.

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3. The Internet has a Great Memory … So Keep Its Memory of You Clean
Just because the Internet is so massive does not mean that embarrassing or suggestive pictures, rude or mean comments, or illegal activities will disappear forever. Be conscious of what you post about yourself or others or allow your friends to post about you, because you may have to live with it for a long, long time.

4. Be Good Online … Just Like You Are Offline
Writing “hate” emails, hacking into other people’s computers, illegally downloading music or movies and making online threats are just as illegal on the Internet as they are in the real world. You cannot hide behind a screen name and get away with it. Watch what you write, because someone else is watching what you write!

5. Be Extremely Careful about Meeting Someone in Person
The Cyber Crime Unit of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service gives an all-out blanket warning: “Never meet anyone in person that you meet online.” That said, many teens do make good friends online. You just have to be super cautious and make sure other people you know and trust also know this “new” online person.
If you do decide to meet the new person, bring your parents with you. All of you meet together in a public area like a mall where there are tons of people around. Ask that the person’s parents come, too. If the situation feels creepy, it probably is creepy! Just like in the real world, trust your gut instincts and walk away.

 6. Your Parents Are Ultimately Responsible for Minors Online

Even if your parents don’t know much about the Internet, tell them what types of web sites you go to, and parents it’s your responsibly to monitor everything your son/daughter does online. They will probably be interested and impressed with your Internet skills. They may also help you avoid potential problems if a web site or new "friend" looks sketchy.


  1. Great tips for all internet users

  2. I always remind my nephew of number 2 especially as a newcomer to the cyber world. Thanks!
