Friday 14 April 2017


One thing I’ve realised as I have gotten older, is that in life is that controlling emotions is not as easy  to do all the time and no matter how 'in control' you think you are...we all lose it at times.  I have also come to accept that the point of life is not to go through it unscathed, but to go through with as about much dignity and grace as you can, given the circumstances you are faced with. 

As difficult as it can sometimes be I have found a few tips which can help us  protect your 'sanity' as we deal with life's daily struggles.

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Distractions are always around. The greatest distractions can and sometimes will be the people closest to you, but learning to focus and stay the course is extremely important in protecting your sanity. Another distraction is yourself! Yes, I said it. We are our greatest distractions if we aren’t focusing on what’s most important.

Preparation will help you stay sane. Take a few minutes before a meeting to prepare, before an interview, etc. I know this seems a little simple but it’s going to save you. I remember this quote that used to be plastered on a coworkers desk that said, “A lack of preparation on your part… Does not constitute an emergency on my part”, now I don’t really know who actually said this but it could be legit. Prepare, prepare, prepare.

You can’t give what you don’t have. A well that has run dry is no good for anyone so make sure you are taking care of yourself. Self-care is so important and yes, you’ve heard it before and probably a dozen times over. The reality is that so many people ignore it that it has to reiterated over and over until people actually understand its value and importance in your life. So I’ll say it one more time. Take care of yourself.

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Turn of the television, close up the laptop, put down the phone and all your gadgets that keep you plugged into the regularly mad house called life. Sometimes you just need a break and the perfect break could be a simple as 30 minutes to an hour each day. Thirty minutes away from the chatter, away from reality TV politics. Just unplug so that you don’t unplug.

Some fights just aren’t worth the trouble, time or even thought. Often times, there are many battles that aren’t even yours, yet you get in it and waddle around while it messes up your flow. You want to keep your sanity, this one tip will help you a ton.

There are enough negative people in this world who are miserable and looking for company. Don’t you be one of them. Choose positivity. The glass is half full. If you start looking at it as half empty you don’t allow the opportunity for positivity to manifest. They say that your tongue has power well just think about it a little further. Studies have shown that people have the power to bringing healing in their lives just with belief. So positivity has more benefits than you think.

This video sums its up in the most simplistic way...Do not worry!

Feel free to add any tips that you believe can help folks keep it together. Share them in the comments section.


  1. Tip #7 Pray, pray, pray

  2. I agree-- pray pray pray-- sometimes its not about you doing the work and the emotions-- let GOD do his part

  3. YES!! Self care is crucial! you can't pour from an empty vessel!

  4. Great advice to apply to one's life. I especially love tip #7

  5. Excellent advice.
